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As a result of long-standing siloed approaches that prevented optimal exploitation, the market is moving toward a convergence of HPC, AI and Big Data. Research and innovation will be improved by having a unified infrastructure hosted in a centre like ECLAIRION. It will be possible to quickly host and deploy environments that react to a strong market trend thanks to this new generation of data centre.

We now have an HPC data centre with ECLAIRION that can host high and very high-density systems, something that no other data centre in France can currently deliver. We can now delegate the complete management of our data centre to ECLAIRION.

High technology and the utmost respect for the environment were combined in the design of ECLAIRION. Moreover, the location where this data centre is installed can be returned to nature, which is its primary function, once it has delivered all of its innovation.

Human progress, ecological respect and digital sovereignty require the rise of the use of data as a central and decisive ingredient in our way of thinking and building the future,” indicates François Sabatino, President of ECLAIRION. “Faced with this challenge, ECLAIRION is establishing new hosting standards to support the growth of all sectors of activity, including medical research, automotive, aeronautics, energy and the media.

The ECLAIRION infrastructure ensures maximum energy efficiency, allowing for the application of the most power possible to HPC. For more than ten years, Atos has been concentrating on this problem, allowing us to recently announce the arrival of our BullSequana XH3000 supercomputer, the most effective in the world. Emmanuel LE ROUX Senior Vice President, Director HPC, AI and Quantum, ATOS

Our partners

Parisien et bordelais, le cabinet Art’Ur a conçu l’architecture du projet ECLAIRION. Co-fondé voici plus de 25 ans par Philippe Pascal, il propose des réalisations mêlant esthétique, confort et matériaux durables.
Bureau d’études reconnu depuis plus d’un siècle dans le domaine de l’environnement, le Groupe Merlin a été sollicité pour le projet ECLAIRION pour sa pluridisciplinarité eau/déchets/énergies et ses compétences sur l’acoustique.
Le pôle maitrise d’œuvre et ingénierie du Groupe Projex a déterminé le design du site de ECLAIRION, en accord avec le cabinet d’architecte Art’Ur. Les experts du Groupe Projex dans le domaine des data center assisteront les clients de ECLAIRION lors de leur installation sur le site.
Le pôle maitrise d’œuvre et ingénierie du Groupe Projex a déterminé le design du site de ECLAIRION, en accord avec le cabinet d’architecte Art’Ur. Les experts du Groupe Projex dans le domaine des data center assisteront les clients de ECLAIRION lors de leur installation sur le site.